southindiapost Coronavirus Are Masks Effective For Children To Protect Against Covid-19?

Are Masks Effective For Children To Protect Against Covid-19?

Are Masks Effective For Children To Protect Against Covid-19? post thumbnail image

The covid-19 pandemic has thrown the whole world’s public healthcare into a chaos. Covid-19 is indiscriminately killing millions of lives across the globe and there is still no vaccine or absolute cure of it. In times like these it is imperative that we take every possible preventive measure to protect our family and loved ones from this danger. Especially the young ones, they are the ones that are most likely to be infected way quickly than any other population categories. One such globally accepted and acclaimed preventive measure is the use of n95 respirator masks for child. Not only would it protect your child from catching this deadly virus but also make it possible for them to move around as they like without having to stay stationed at one place.

What are n95 masks for children?

N95 mask for kids are the same as the ones for adults but smaller and more flexible in shape and size to adapt o the needs of the young ones. These masks are like any other mask in use but are made with special material to prevent the inflow of unwanted air molecules in our body through breathing. It covers the mouth and nose of the child just like a shield but makes it makes it possible for them to breathe easily and move around without any problem. The mask would generally use elastic threads that are easy on the soft skin of the kids. This way you would not have to worry about the mask falling off while they are moving around or playing.

Are masks safe for young children?

Masks are completely safe for children above the age of two years if they do not have any particular respiratory problem that can possibly make them suffocate or any type of muscular weakness in the facial muscles. If you are in doubt whether or not it should be okay for your child to wear the mask, you can consult your family doctor about same and confirm the use of mask for your child.

What are the specific guidelines for children while wearing masks?

Other than the individual-specific health precautions of the child, the most important health guideline to be followed is probably the age restriction. As mentioned earlier, children under the age of two years should be made to wear masks. As for really young children, it can cause suffocation and even risk strangulation. Other than this, it is completely safe to wear masks for your child.

How to clean the mask?

If the mask is visibly soiled or has been touched too many times then you should wash it. Washing can be done by washing machines as well as by hand. If the mask is damaged or has holes and such then it should immediately be replaced.

Thus, by following these instructions you can also make sure that your child is safe against the coronavirus. It is always good to take precautions before any possible mishaps.

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