On Wednesday the Mumbai police protest the TRP manipulation scam. Added four more penal sections which include the disappearance of evidence of the offense and destruction of documents that prevented as its evidence production. The case was filed against the accused and in which two or more channels including Mahaamovie and News Network Channel. These two channels of dot and the pro in terms of menu plating the view worship figures.
According to the sources more additional IPC sections were put forward why are republic TV and other channels are under scanner while more information to be provided by the police was been refused.
As per the Hansa Research along with Broadcasting audience Research Council i.e. BARC spread the beans of certain information and from their Internal report via the above team on October 10th. This has led to the installation of measuring within public or viewers home via meters for the selected audiences on their radar in terms of calculating the real Trips being generated.
Source: https://rb.gy/k6aiub