Apple watch 6 or watch OS is really a great gift in 2020. It came with different types of new features like- dedicated app store, App installation, tracking app, new faces, solar dial system e.t.c.
It is a completely upgraded apple watch from its previous generations.
New upgraded features:
1. Battery capacity of
Apple watch 6th Generation 303.8 mAh (According to Korean Certification)
5th Generation: 296 mAh
3rd Generation: 279 mAh
So it’s a great update.
2. Features of Oximeter
In this pandemic situation, another symptom of COVID-19 is a low oxygen level in the blood. This helps to detect oxygen levels by using infra-red radiation.
3. App Store
You can download different types of apps in this watch.
4. New Faces
Different types of new faces can be seen in the new models of 6th generation like dial’s position,
Solar energy controlled Dials
Mono and hour dial
5. New voice memo apps
Get a recording option in a single watch.
6. Updated settings:
You can set this watch by viewing your iCloud account.
Anyone takes a screenshot as well.
Customization of workout screen.
7. Cycle tracking apps:
These apps help to remind different health-related parameters. For women, it uses the menstrual cycle as well as fertility tracking purposes.
8. View of full web pages
In watch OS 6 web pages can’t be seen fully but a new upgrades help you to see full web pages.
9. Emoji stickers for chat
you can use emoji stickers during your chat. First, you need to make this emoji on your i-phone.
11. Noise apps
These apps help you to protect you from the loud sound in your surroundings by a notification. You are able to the decibel level of your environments sound.
From the above discussion, it can be said Apple watch 6 is a great innovation for these times. Upgraded features like Oximeter and app installation process. People get all features in a single watch through this.
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